Pool Deck Resealing San Antonio
Here in San Antonio, summers are hot, and summers are long, and the heat is not forgiving during some months. Having a pool deck that is comfortable, usable, and appealing to the eye creates a healthy and vibrant environment for everyone to enjoy. Our company offers all of our client's incredible opportunities to enhance their pool deck and still stay within their budget. We offer:
- Strong Warranty
- Palate of Variety
- High-Grade Materials
- Affordable Prices
- Professional Technicians
Need more information? Check out our home page or call our customer service team to learn more.
Why Should My Concrete Always Be Sealed?
Concrete is undoubtedly strong and can be incredibly beautiful; however, concrete is a porous surface that can be easily damaged if it is under constant use and/or exposure. A concrete pool deck is not only constantly being exposed to UV-rays, but the surface is also ridden with moisture, pool water chemicals, and so much more. Without proper sealing and re-sealing, your pool deck will begin to not only deteriorate from an aesthetic perspective but it will begin to feel uncomfortable. So, why should you seal your concrete?
- Unsealed concrete stains quickly and easily
- Poorly sealed concrete is likely to crack, spall, and chip
- Concrete absorbs heat that has not been sealed properly
- Pool water chemicals will break down the concrete surface of your deck
![pool deck resurfacing San Antonio](https://sanantoniopooldeck.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2-pool-deck-resurfacing-San-Antonio-1.jpg)
Benefits of Pool Deck Re-Sealing
Don’t leave your concrete naked! Have a professional seal applied to your surface to make it last longer, feel better, and look great.
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Prevent Stains
A poorly sealed surface will undoubtedly stain, especially if the deck is used often, if there are children in the home, or there are family-owned animals. When concrete stains, the pigments that have soaked into your concrete cannot be scrubbed away because the stain soaks deep into your concrete’s pores. Food, drink, and animals are all examples of stains that can become permanent without a proper sealant. A professional re-seal prevents stains from discoloring portions of your concrete and creating rough spots that become uncomfortable to walk on.
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Extend Your Concretes Lifespan
Concrete is not able to withstand damage from UV-rays, pool water chemicals, or water run-off from rain if it is not properly sealed. UV-ray exposure will discolor concrete that is not properly sealed, the sun’s rays will create an unbearable hot environment for comfortable pool use, and the exposure will combine with pool water chemical exposure. Pool water, whether it is a chlorine pool or a saltwater pool, will break down your concretes smooth and beautiful surface including its design, pattern, and color. Properly sealed concrete pool decks do not absorb heat and will last for decades longer than a poorly sealed surface.
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Enhance Colors
A re-sealed or sealed surface will always look and feel a million times better than one that has been poorly sealed, if at all. Sealers help bring out the colors, patterns, and designs on your pool deck by using its natural gloss. Sealers come in varying gloss varieties, but one thing is always consistent, our clients notice a significant difference in the aesthetic appeal of their pool decks post-sealing. Sealers reach into your concretes surface and pool out a beauty that cannot otherwise be attained and the best part is sealers ensure your pool decks feel and design last for decades.
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Reduce Deterioration
Spalling is the enemy of pool deck owners, yearly! Most of our clients don’t realize spalling is happening because it comes in different forms. Spalling can look like a peeling surface or flaking surface, both can cause long-term and expensive damages. The freeze/thaw cycle is caused by absorbed moisture that is freezing and thawing deep inside the concretes pores and eventually leads to cracks. Proper sealing and re-sealing will always protect a pool deck concrete from spalling and extreme damages.
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UV-ray Protection
When you are trying to enjoy a pool day during the extreme summer months that can happen here in San Antonio it is important to remember that improper sealing will allow water damage and sun damage. Weathering is caused by extreme sun exposure and no protection which will lead to fading and rough spots. Just like your skin, your concrete deck is porous and needs adequate sun protection. Many of our clients have young children or older parents living in their homes who need cooler surfaces that never become scorching hot and the best way to ensure your surface is always cool is to have a proper seal applied at all times.
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Prevent Mold Growth
No one wants mold! At least, we haven’t met a client that doesn’t mind having mold and mildew growth on their pool deck. Constant moisture exposure will always lead to a breeding ground for mold and mildew on your pool deck within the concrete’s pores. Sadly, at-home solutions to remove mold often cause more damage. So, the best way to keep mold growth at a minimum is to successfully and professionally have a seal and re-seal.
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Kool Deck Coatings
Having a deck that is aesthetically appealing, long-lasting, and durable throughout exposure and use is important for every pool deck owner. With a professionally installed Kool deck coating, your pool deck will be sealed and protected from weathering, pool water, and natural rainwater runoff that would otherwise lead to extreme damages if left unchecked. Kool Deck is a great sealer for pool decks to keep updated when your pool deck is prone to heating up, is exposed to stains, or is under constant use.
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The Most Affordable Protection
Re-sealing your pool deck is the most affordable method to keep your pool deck from damages. A professional seal will keep you from having to repair, replace, and frequently maintain your concrete, thus, saving a large amount of money every year. When looking for an affordable way to keep your pool deck looking and feeling incredible always be sure to have a professionally sealed surface. Our team is dedicated to keeping your pool deck looking its best with affordable pool deck re-sealing methods!